The clubhouse address is 2165 Kemp Road, Marietta, GA 30066.

Having a party? Need a place for a meeting? Want to host that social event that just does not fit into your living room? Clubhouse rentals are available year-round.



Contact our Clubhouse Chairperson to book all rentals:

Rental Costs:

  • Members: $125 rental fee and $250 security deposit. Deposit will be returned if the rental agreement has been satisfied. NLHOA member will be responsible and must be present during the function and lock up.

  • Non-Members: $250 rental fee and $250 security deposit. Deposit will be returned if the rental agreement has been satisfied.



No one under the age of 21 is permitted in the clubhouse without an adult member.

Any person abusing the clubhouse area can be barred from the clubhouse for a limited time by the Board.

No wet bathing suits are permitted in the carpeted area of the clubhouse.

No smoking in the clubhouse.

No pets are allowed in the clubhouse.

Clubhouse furniture shall not be used in the pool area.

The clubhouse must be cleaned and restored to normal conditions after each use (i.e. kitchen and bathrooms cleaned, carpet vacuumed, furniture replaced and decorations removed). A complete clean-up checklist will be provided with each rental agreement.

After using the clubhouse, the thermostat should be reset to the posted settings.

The last person leaving the clubhouse shall be responsible for turning off all the lights and locking the doors.

The Clubhouse committee representative shall settle disputes concerning the clubhouse.

The renter shall be responsible for any damages above and beyond the deposit.

All social parties of dependents of members must have two adult members present at all times. Adults renting the clubhouse must be present during the function and lock up.

Excessive noise is to be restricted after 11pm.

The number of people using the clubhouse at any one time shall not exceed the number posted inside the clubhouse by the Fire Marshall.

In the event that the above conditions are not adhered to, the Board may terminate the use of amenities by that member at any time.

Non-Members renting the clubhouse cannot use the pool.

Members renting the clubhouse may use the pool when it is open. If you have more than eight (8) swimmers under 18 years of age you must hire a certified lifeguard at the renters expense. The maximum number of swimmers under 18 years of age is 15.

All persons renting the clubhouse will be required to complete a rental agreement and complete a walk-through with the clubhouse committee representative prior to and after the rental. Deposits will be returned only upon satisfaction of the rental agreement and clean-up list.


North Landing provides free public Wifi for your convenience. We cannot guarantee performance or security This access may be subject to unavailability, and may be suspended or terminated at any time, for any reason.

By connecting to the Service, you acknowledge and accept the risks associate with public access to the internet and public use of an unsecured and unencrypted wireless network.

By using the Service, you agree to the following:

1. North Landing does not guarantee the security of the Service and that unauthorized third parties may access your computer or device, or monitor your connection.

2. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless North Landing and their respective director and officers from any claim, liability, loss, damage, cost or expense (including without limitation reasonable attorney’s fees) arising out of or related to your use of the Service, any materials download or uploaded through the Service, any actions taken by you in connection with your use of the Service, any violation of any third party’s rights or any violation of law or regulation, or any breach of this agreement.

3. You are responsible for any charges you incur from third parties through your use of the Service, and you understand that your personal information may be available to third parties that you access through the Service.